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The catalog pg_recyclebin contains part of the information about dropped objects. The rest is mostly in pg_classpg_typepg_proc and pg_constraint.

Table. pg_recyclebin Columns

Name Type References Description
classid oid pg_class.oid The OID of the system catalog the dropped object is in
objid oid any OID column The OID of the specific dropped object
objsubid oid When classid is the OID of the system catalog pg_namespace, this is the user OID of the schema owner. For all other object types, this column is 0.
namespace oid pg_namespace.oid The OID of the schema the dropped object is in
objname name any NAME column New name of the object
oldname name any NAME column Original name of the object
command char Operation carried out on the object:
d - Object was dropped
r - Object was rewritten, eg: ALTER TABLE
t - Object was truncated
droptime timestamptz Timestamp for the dropping of the object