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The pg_ts_lexicon catalog contains word entries defining text search lexicons.

Table. pg_ts_lexicon Columns

Name Type Description
lexfreq int4 The frequency statistics of the word in the text
lextype int2 The type of the word. Possible values are:
0: chinese words
1: chinese units
2: english and chinese mixed words
3: chinese and english mixed words
4: chinese last name
5: chinese second name
6: initial word of chinese compound surname
7: last word of chinese compound surname
8: chinese surname modifiers
9: stop words
10: english punctuation mixed words
11: english words
15: other words
16: synonym words
17: punctuations
lexkind char the part of speech of the word in the sentence, include: noun (n), pronoun (p), adjective (a), adverb (d), verb (v), numeral (m), article (t), preposition (r), conjunction (c), interjection (i)
lexword text literal representation of the word
lexsynonyms text[] synonyms for the word