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Does Redrock Postgres work with multi-core processors?


Does Redrock Postgres work with multi-core processors?


Yes. Redrock Postgres supports both multithreaded and multi-process Postgres model, and makes use of all CPUs made available to it. Not all CPUs may be available; modern operating systems should be able to utilize all underlying CPUs, but also make it possible to restrict a process to a specific CPU or sets of CPUs.

Use of multiple cores may be seen in these ways:

  • A single core is usually used to service the commands issued from one session.
  • A few background processes make limited use of extra cores; for example, to keep background I/O tasks moving.
  • If the database is I/O-bound (indicated by CPU consumption less than capacity), adding more CPUs is futile. If the database is partitioned into an I/O-bound part and a CPU-bond part, adding CPUs may still be useful.